Thursday, June 11, 2015

Some weather can make your skin look dull and dry. Though regular moisturising helps, to get a glow from within, you need to eat a healthy diet. Here are fruits and vegetables that promise a radiant complexion naturally.

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Why you need it: An apple a day can certainly keep ageing skin at bay! This fruit has vitamin C in abundance which keeps your skin firm and gives it an inner radiance. Apple also prevents free-radical damage which causes premature skin ageing.
How to use it: To ensure glowing skin, you can eat one apple every day. You can also apply the juice of an apple on your face and wash it off with water after 10 minutes. Apart from this, apple imparts other health benefits as well. Beetroot
Why you need it: The more antioxidants you have in your body, the more your skin will glow. And beetroot ensures just that. It is a rich source of anthocyanins which a powerful antioxidants that prevents appearance of wrinkles. Your skin will look pink and glowing if you eat beet.
How to use it: Boil a beetroot and cut it into slices and then consume it. Beetroot can be difficult to digest if eaten raw. You can add a bit of lemon juice on it to reap in its full benefits and add a zingy taste to it. Rubbing beetroot on your lips will leave a pink tinge on it. Here are some more benefits of beetroot.

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Why you need it: Carrot is high in beta carotene which is converted by the body to vitamin A. This makes it a must-eat vegetable in your daily diet. Not only will it give your skin a glow, it will also fight wrinkles and improve your skin, making it healthy.
How to use it: You can add carrots to your salad or cook it to make a dish. Drinking carrot juice with its fibre intact is also a great way to boost your beauty.
Why you need it: Your skin tends to look dull when it has scars, acne and blackheads. But lemons can keep these at bay. This fruit has high content of vitamin C which is needed for the synthesis of collagen.

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Note:Please share this post because a friend of your could be in there need of this information to stay healthy,you never can tell.Share Now.


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